A little info on myself........

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Well if your at this page then most of you probably already know, but for the ones who don't my name's Rhiannon, pronounced (re-ann-on) the meaning, well that depends on where you get your info from.
I've added some info about the meaning of my name in "Origin of the name Rhiannon".......
Some of the information I found was interesting, and I hope that you find it interesting as well....

I was born in Halifax, Nova Scotia on Dec 5. According to family, I decided to come into this world during a blizzard !! No wonder I love the snow....LOL
Shortly after I was born we moved to Queens County(still Nova Scotia) and I've been here ever since...I'll probably still be here in 50 years.
For the most part I grew up in a single parent household, my father left when I was 5. My mother was left raising my brother David and I.
I had a pretty normal life, we lived in the country so we had a bit of a farm...had the horse, pigs, chickens & dog. Everything there after is pretty trivial. I grew up to become who I am today :)
I have a beautiful 7 yr old daughter named Jordan......she is my pride and my joy. She's just like me too..not sure if thats a good thing or not yet lol. I'll let you know when she hits those teenage years :)

Jordan and I are currently living in Tusket, NS , up here will all the relatives around, well except the main ones lol.. Its not bad up here, nothing like being "home", but I'm sure this place will grow on me.