My character analysis.........

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This analysis is about sagittarians as a person, and normally I wouldn't add this to a website, but I think this character analysis depicts me in most ways....
People born under this sign are quite often self-reliant and intelligent. Generally, they are quite philosophical in their outlook on life. They know how to make practical use of their imagination.

There is seldom anything narrow about a sagittarian. She is generally very tolerant and considerate. She would never consciously do anything that would hurt another's feelings. She is gifted with a good sense of humor and believes in being honest in her relationships with others. She is so intent on telling the truth that sometimes she is a bit blunt. At any rate, she means well, and people who enjoy their relationship with her often overlook this flaw. The sagittarian often wishes that others were as forthright and honest as she is-no matter what the consequences.

The sagittarian is often positive and optimistic, she loves life. She often helps others to snap out of an ill mood. Her joie-de-vivre is often infectious. People love being round her because she is almost always in a good mood. She is fond of the outdoors. She enjoys sporting events and often excels in them. She is fond of animals- especially horses. Generally speaking a sagittarian is healthy- in mind and limb. They enjoy the simple things in life. She is outgoing for the most part and loves the fresh air. the sagittarian is a well balanced person.

Most sagittarians love the country, they prefer the quietness and scenery. Of all the signs, the sagittarian is closest to mother nature. She can often build a trusting relationship with animals.

On the whole, she is good-natured and fun-loving. She finds it easy to take up with people of all sorts. In most cases, her social circle is rather large. People enjoy her company, and many of her friends share her interests in outdoor life and intellectual pursuits..

  Health of a sagittarian Often the sagittarians are quite athletic. They are healthy-looking; quite striking in a robust way. They are often rather tall and well-built. They are enthusiastic people and like being active or involved. Excercise may interest them a great deal. The sagittarian cannot stand not being active. She has to be on the go. She is not afraid of taking risks.

Sagittarius- The Archer
  Social relationships..... She enjoys having people around. It is not hard for her to make friends, and she is very sociable by nature. Most of the friends she makes, she will keep for life. She appreciates people for their good qualities. She is not quick to judge others and is often very forgiving. She is not impressed by what a friend has in the way of material goods.

The sagittarian is often quite popular, people like her for her easy disposition and good humor. Her friendship is valued by others. The sagittarian is a kind and considerate person, her nature is gentle and unassuming. The partner for someone born under this sign must be a good listener. She is willing to listen to another's problems, too.

She says what she means, and doesn't beat around the bush. Being direct is one of her strongest qualities.

  Love and marriage (the best part) :) She is faithful to her loved ones, affectionate in nature and not at all possesive. Love is important for her spiritually, as well as physically.

Sagittarians are not an envious people. She is willing to allow her partner needed freedoms-within reason. Live and let live is the motto of a sagittarian. She is direct and positive when she meets the right one; she does not waste time...

She often believes in true love and is willing to have a long romantic relationship with the man she loves before making further plans.

She makes a good companion as well as a wife. She likes to participate with her companion in his various interests and affairs. She is seldom jealous of her companion's interest in other people-even if some are of the opposite sex. If she has no reason to doubt his love, she never questions it.

She makes a loving and sympathetic mother. Quite often she will play with her children. Her cheerful manner makes her an invaluable playmate.

Two lovers walking hand in hand.......