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This page is under construction still......
Eventually I hope to have some information about a few historical sites around my area.....

History of Hunts Point
The community of Hunts Point, stands on ground that was granted to Samuel Hunt during 1759. Samuel Hunts was a jack of all trades, not only was he a coroner, but he was also a schoolteacher and a justice of the peace.....

The picture below is of a local fishing community in Port Mouton

History of Port Mouton
The Mi'kmaq's first refered to the area as "wologumk" meaning deep gully or hole in the river.

In 1604, when Du Gaust de monts renamed the area "Port Mouton" after a sheep was lost overboard. De Monts and his crew settled here and made it his party's base for exploration of the coast.

Settlers from Scotland arrived in 1623, sent by Sir William Alexander, renamed the area St. Luke's Bay.

Again in 1784 the area was renamed to Guysborough, in honor of Sir Guy Carleton.....Eventually it was renamed one last time. once again to Port Mouton.......