My favorite sites

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Below are a couple of the sites that I enjoy.....
In my links, you will find a bit of everything.  Just a few sites that I enjoy, except for barbie, thats Jordan's site, although I have to admit I've played there too......shhhhh don't tell Jordan that mommy was playing barbie

Search Engines
Google You know us as the Internet's original search engine.


Yahoo! With over half a million sites divided into more than 25,000 categories, Yahoo! is both browseable and searchable.

A site dedicated to me
My sweetie made this for me


Queens County Times A great site by Mary Mouzer for the people of Queens County


Passion Up Cards

A fun site with some nice pages to send to friends, just enter the free pages

Web Shots Great site if you like screensavers, or just some nice pictures.....



Fun Trivia

This is a fun site if you like testing your IQ :)


A site for the girls :P